MySQLi PHP conversion tool

I just got the MySQL AB newsletter in my inbox this evening and there’s an interesting tool they introduce that will convert existing PHP scripts that use the standard (“old”) mysql extension to use the new mysqli. “i” stands for “improved” – the new extension is faster and can take advantage of the new MySQL …

Interview questions… for a PHP job

Last week I went through one and a half hellish days of interviewing candidates for my replacement – one position for PHP and another for the research coordinating. Larry and I talked to over a dozen people. It wasn’t bad, per-se, but I wouldn’t do so many all at once again. It really made me …

Pre-QA isn’t good for interviews

I’m just going to throw this out there… if you have a piece of software, site, etc that isn’t quite at the QA stages, no matter how rockin’ in might be, you might want to consider holding off on showing it to others until you know the demo is going to work. I think I’m …

Anchor tags and Safari

I found an interesting “bug” in Apple’s Safari today while updating a page on Flood’s deprecating website (new version coming up in September). First of all, for the record, nobody on the team designed the template currently in-use (Aug, 2006). I just needed to put an anchor near the end of the page… pretty standard …

Wireless mesh networks in Africa

I’ve never been to Africa before, but I have many friends who have. I know that their internet access there (in Malawi, at least) could often be a lot better. The problem most likely arises from the lack of a solid data infrastructure. There are DSL solutions, but from what I’ve read they can be …

Fedora FC5 black screen install woes – FIX

Here’s a quick post for those having difficulties installing Fedora Core 5 (FC5) on systems with ATI cards. Our new 80 node cluster install at the DFL is just about finished. I get two Dell PowerEdge 1425s all to myself for web stuffs. First order of business: ditch RedHat Enterprise Linux. I need cutting-edge software. …

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