Automating iOS + Watchkit build numbers, with Git, for iTunes Connect

This wasn’t especially difficult, but it was a little tedious to track down. I’ve relied on a handy little build phase script (I wish I remember where I found it) for automating build numbers from git commits for iOS apps since Apple gave us access to TestFlight via iTunes Connect. This same script didn’t work …

Unit Testing CoreData Tip: The Singleton

It’s been a while since I was deep into CoreData, but here I am again. And this time, I’m writing proper unit tests. Things were going pretty well – I had about 50 test cases with a few related asserts in each – until I started messing with saving, and fetching tests. I ran into some …

iOS TDD (Test Driven Development) – Convincing Myself

By no means is TDD (Test Driven Development) a new concept; I’ve known about it for years. I had sone some unit testing on projects prior, they became an integral part of routine when I started consulting for HP’s Software R&D lab. We’ve been very good about testing out all the important logic of the application, save automated functional …

Focus Follow Mouse and other *nix wonders

Back in the days at the UCSD Center for fMRI, I had the opportunity to get my hands dirty with a few types of *nix systems that most people have never heard of, much less use. My boss was also pretty keen on very specific configurations that he insisted his employees put on their computers …

Quiet NSLog() in Release Builds

On the heels of the previous post, here’s a little snippit I picked up from Marek Bell to quiet NSLog() output in release builds. Add this to your {MyApp}-prefix.pch file #ifndef __OPTIMIZE__ #    define NSLog(…) NSLog(__VA_ARGS__) #else #    define NSLog(…) {} #endif The reasoning behind using __OPTIMIZE__ is that it’s set only on release builds …

Quiet the Console – PhoneGap / iOS

I have a confession – I’m a console logging junkie. I just like to see what’s going on. While that may be great for development, at some point you’ll have to quiet the logging down for production. Really – doing enough logging will slow everything down each time you’ve inserted a console.log() into your code. …

If your site goes down, does it make a noise?

I don’t go to my brochure site very often. It’s there for the curious client who needs the reassurance that I know what I’m doing. Considering I haven’t made any significant changes in quite some time, I had no reason to go back, but apparently I should have. At some point my .htaccess file went …

Cocoa Zombies – NSZombie

Found this great little debugging tip over at The short of it: You can use NSZombie tracking to debug memory crashes in your code. Great find – this whole time I was kinda under the impression that there was a lot of educated guessing involved based on where your fingers last touched code. I’m …

Compiling PHP5.3.x on Snow Leopard

I like to wait quite a while before upgrading Mac OS X to the newest release because, for me, it often requires quite a bit of work. I had hopes that Snow Leopard would be different because Apple finally installed current versions of the whole LAMP stack, but I wanted to wait regardless… just in …

Installing PEAR Libraries Locally

[I started this post quite a while ago and forgot about it. Here it is finished. Hopefully you find something useful here] I’ve had a few projects already where I could really use some PEAR libraries but not sufficient enough access to the server so I could install them in the system-wide PEAR include directory. …

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