My First Native iPhone App

It’s Thanksgiving Day weekend – one of my favorite of the year – because it gives me the chance for some nice, quiet R&D time without the pressure of clients or projects asking to get things done. This week I finally made it through enough of my Objective-C/Cocoa/iPhone books that reading further felt like I …

Installing PEAR Libraries Locally

[I started this post quite a while ago and forgot about it. Here it is finished. Hopefully you find something useful here] I’ve had a few projects already where I could really use some PEAR libraries but not sufficient enough access to the server so I could install them in the system-wide PEAR include directory. …

N00bs are OK Too

Here’s a little commentary over at CakeBaker on people apologizing for being a newbie. On mailing lists or in private mails I sometimes read statements like “I am sorry, but I am a newbie” or “Sorry for this newbie question”. And I always wonder why do those people apologize for not being proficient? I think …

Using Pinch Media Analytics in PhoneGap

Getting close to finishing up an app for a client in the coming weeks, my business partner and I decided it would be a good idea to include some analytics code so we could track how people are using our application. We ended up using Pinch Media’s Analytics to do our tracking. It came down …

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