SSH Tunnel for Samba Shares

German (my coworker and friend) posted something a while ago which I am now finding pretty useful: Note that this post is oriented toward those with macs, but the same should work on other *nix systems with a few minor modifications. Why do I need this? Well, I’m still on the campus network, but …

Smarty: sections and iterators

Just wanted to point this out to any who may be interested, or can’t seem to figure out how to hop around array indices in the Smarty template. In straight PHP it’s simple enough to bounce around to different array indices $array[$ii-1] etc. In Smarty, not so easy. If you want to compare the current …

Adding a new hard drive to a Linux system

Time came to add a second hard disk to my workstation. I didn’t need a whole lot – just another 250GB for backup and extra storage space until the new workstation arrives later this summer. Here’s a quick tutorial on how to get the new disk in and running on you linux box. Once the …

Storing hierarchical data in a database part 2b: Modified preorder tree traversal – insertions

Last time I introduced the Modified preorder tree traversal algorithm as a method to store relationships between nodes. This time I’ll show you how nodes are inserted into the tree. Note that I’m using MySQL, so you may need to change your queries slightly depending on the DB you’re using. Before we get started, I’d …

Installing AWStats on Fedora (FC4) with Apache virtual hosting

While the exact distribution probably doesn’t matter too much, some steps are pertinent only to Fedora (i.e. the Yum install). Honestly, follow the instructions in the awstats documentation closely and you should be fine. My point here is to point-out some of the finer details. First step, install AWStats as root: % sudo yum install …

Storing hierarchical data in a database Part 2a: Modified preorder tree traversal

Second part in this series of discussions/tutorials on storing hierarchical data in a database. You can read the first on here. The original article I read that got me started on these ideas can be found here (you’ll notice the tree diagrams are similar). Most credit should be given to Gijs Van Tulder; I simply …

Storing hierarchical data in a database: Part 1

(Click to see part 2a and 2b) In this first of two (or three) posts, I’m going to present a fairly conventional way of representing hierarchical data in a database. (The original article I read that got me interested on posting these ideas can be found here, hence the similarity in the tree structure). My …

Incremental backups with rsync

There are some good resources guiding people to make shell scripts for creating incremental backups using rsync, but it’s still a lot to wade through if you’re not very familiar with some of the ins and outs of *nix terminal commands. ** NOTE: I’m still testing these scripts to make sure they all work. In …

nvidia driver installs on Fedora Core 4

Earlier this week I had the unpleasant task of trying to fix/update the NVidia drivers on my Fedora workstation. Video was working fine. What was giving me problems was the hardware 3D support, which is needed by the uber expensive visualization app I use for data analysis. I’ve never had a pleasant, much less easy, …

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