The new iTunes Connect has only been out a few days. Overall, I think it’s probably better than the old version – there are just a few things to get used to. It seems there’s a noticeable lack of communication within the new web app – enough that I filed a couple of bug reports.
Two surround the situation where you have uploaded a binary to iTunes connect. The first issue – you are not allowed to re-upload a binary with the same version and build number. However, there is no way to remove the old one. The second is a little less obvious: Uploading the new binaries will place them in a “Processing” state with no indication about what is happening. Fearing something had gone wrong, I tried the upload a few more times with different build numbers & formats – all went to “Processing” with no icon – only the version, build number, and upload timestamp. None of them were available to select so I could submit for App Store review. Xcode said everything was OK, Application Loader said everything was fine. An hour later, all four builds were processed. Thanks, I guess.
No matter the technical process, there are a few key points of communication they missed out on:
- There’s no indication what “Processing” actually does, or how long it should take. Minutes, hours, days?
- There’s no explanation about uploading “duplicate” binary version/build numbers until you’ve actually failed
- Sometimes there are errors saving metadata – generic error message – users should be informed about what entry was wrong, and how to correct the problem
- In general, I see no clear links to documentation, which would have been helpful
- Xcode’s messaging is not consistent with Application Loader, which is also inconsistent with the iTunes Connect website.
I believe these issues are easily addressed, however they sure demonstrate how usability/experience is affected when a few pieces of key information is missing.