Underwhelming Android Experience

Ryan Heise summed it up nicely in Four Months With Android. I used an HTC incredible for 11 months. There are some great things about Android, but the negatives far outweigh the benefits for me. Android was just underwhelming. The UI and UX isn’t as nicely polished as iOS. Android apps, on average, just aren’t …

Will Hybrid Mobile Apps Prevail Over Native?

I’ve been wrestling with this question for some time, and I thought this post may help sort out my thoughts and opinions while giving you some important insight. Are hybrid mobile apps going to become the developer’s choice anytime soon? The debate can be pretty heated as companies choose one technology over the other. Hybrid, …

Quiet NSLog() in Release Builds

On the heels of the previous post, here’s a little snippit I picked up from Marek Bell to quiet NSLog() output in release builds. Add this to your {MyApp}-prefix.pch file #ifndef __OPTIMIZE__ #    define NSLog(…) NSLog(__VA_ARGS__) #else #    define NSLog(…) {} #endif The reasoning behind using __OPTIMIZE__ is that it’s set only on release builds …

Quiet the Console – PhoneGap / iOS

I have a confession – I’m a console logging junkie. I just like to see what’s going on. While that may be great for development, at some point you’ll have to quiet the logging down for production. Really – doing enough logging will slow everything down each time you’ve inserted a console.log() into your code. …

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