Today really was my day at ApacheCon. Four of the five talks were on things I’m truly interested in – mostly PHP (see previous post). Rasmus gave an interesting talk about using PHP at Yahoo!. He gave some particulars about making high-performance, scalable systems. The other portion of his talk focused around XML support in …
Category Archives: Discussions
ApacheCon day 3
I’m in the company of celebrities in the world of PHP. I just finished listening to a talk by Andrei Zmievski on Unicode character support in the upcoming PHP 6. Though I don’t know much about supporting multiple character sets (I’ve had not reason just yet to internatiionalize my code), I do know the problem/difficulty …
And thus the second day of ApacheCon is over. It’s been a great conference so far, and I’ve learned quite a bit. My favorite talk thus far was the one on Web App Security by Christian Wenz. He’s one of Chris Shiflett’s buddies (who I also had a chance to meet this morning after the …